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Donation To Children

The most meaningful donation to children you can make is to provide food to those kids in the world that don't have it. Nutrition is an essential part of life, much more essential than anything else, and if you want to donate something that will meaningfully impact the children of the world, donate food.

Pediatric Nutrition

Pediatric nutrition is one of the most important and pressing health issues in the world today. All over the globe, babies and children are starving and dying due to diseases that are able to gain a foothold as a result of malnutrition. In order for kids to grow up strong, they need all the right nutrients for the entire duration of their lives. We can help deliver this.

Infant Nutrition

Want to help change the face of declining infant nutrition all over the world? Join with us here at BeaVan Charities to create and deliver nutritional supplements to babies who are starving in Sierra Leone and other African nations. Our advanced formulas can make life better for thousands of infants in the world. Join with us to make a difference today.

Feed The Children

If you want to partner with a charity that will help feed the children all over the world who most need advanced nutritional care, you should partner with BeaVan Charities. Founded by a citizen of Sierra Leone, one of the most war torn nations in Africa, this charity exists to bring nutritional supplements to the kids who most need this source of food.

Save The Children

Want to help us save the children who are starving and malnourished in this world? We need your help. We have identified many parts of Sierra Leone and other surrounding nations in which adequate nutritional care is unavailable to many children and infants. This lack of nourishment leads to weakened immune systems and disease in these kids. Help us change this.

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